Happy Dev House 1/17/16

Hey, you.

Yesterday, I went to my first developer HackaThon. It was civic themed because of MLK day, and went for 24 hours. I stayed 7 hours, then went home and crashed. 🙂

I found out about this event through a meetup called Invisible College.

The organizer’s name is Paul Pham, and he’s working on creating a voting system, based off of Bitcoin, that uses computers to make sure all votes are counted. I, myself, don’t know anything about Bitcoin but he loves it, and the idea sounds awesome.

Dev house:


[Right] Jonathan. A lover of an application called Meteor that uses JavaScript. He’s working on data visualization about police violence.

[Left] Darryl. He’s a JavaScript enthusiast who helped me get resources to learn C++.


This was a great event, and I’m definitely coming again.

More devs hard at work:


(Middle = Dan, a video game developer! | Game = Paperbound)

There was food, fun, and lightning talks where you could show off what you’ve been working on.

Join us @ the Invisible College (Seattle)

Share your experiences with a Dev house, or HackaThon.

Good Luck!

In my next post, I’ll show you what I worked on…







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